Sleep in the same quarters where sailors bunked 75 years ago aboard the USS Stewart. Come take an exclusive private tour and learn the science of ships, the importance of preservation and the heritage of our nation’s military. Complete your assigned mission and become an honorary ensign.
A Night at the Museum
You are about to embark on an adventure aboard authentic U.S. Navy vessels that served our nation during World War II and beyond. Immerse yourself in our nation's heritage. Explore historic WWII vessels and experience what it was like as a predator patrolling underwater in the Pacific or as a protector of Allied forces in the North Atlantic. Learn how the USS Cavalla (SS-244), a Gato Class Submarine, sank the Japanese aircraft carrier, Shokaku, involved in the Pearl Harbor attack. Come aboard the USS Stewart
(DE-238), the only remaining Edsall-Class Destroyer Escort in the United States.
Our Education Coordinator will contact you to discuss the educational activities available, to confirm your booking, and to collect your deposit.
Sleepwear and a change of clothes in the morning
Sleeping bags, Pillows, Blankets, and any additional nighttime gear you might need (note: the provided beds are bunks)
Toiletries, including a toothbrush and hairbrush, etc. (please note, shower facilities are not available).
Closed toes Shoes ONLY, for your safety we recommend this type of footwear.
Electronic devices are allowed but must stay in bags during tours and activities.
Snacks and other foods are allowed but must remain ONLY in the kitchen area.
Overnight accommodation from 5:00pm-9:00am on the USS Stewart
Guided Tour of both the USS Stewart and the USS Cavalla
Educational games and activities conducted by staff.
Movie on the Stewart chosen by the group.

$40 per person (Without meals provided) Guests will provide their own food. They are free to use our stovetop, oven, fridge, microwave, and cutlery.

$60 per person (With meals provided) Guest will be provided pizza, snacks, and a continental breakfast.
A Booking Fee of $100 is required to hold the dates requested. The full down payment is nonrefundable unless in the event of weather conditions or Museum Related Issue that results in the event being ended early. The personal cancelling in the event is not subject to a refund. Proof of certified liability Insurance (COI) will be required at least 72 hours before their event. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the event with no refunds.
Anika Matthiessen
Education Program Coordinator
Office: (409) 770-3196
Mobile: (409) 739-6711
Email: anika.matthiessen@galvestonnavalmuseum.com